MSDE Initiatives on digital learning for ITI Students during COVID-19


Ministry of Skill Development Entrepreneurship give access to Students/trainees of Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), Instructor Training Institutes, trainers/faculties of ITIs can continue to learn, and upgrade their knowledge and skills during this period, through extensive usage of online digital learning resources developed by the DGT.

For Curriculum, Video lessons, question bank, mock test and e-learning contents

Online learning resource for Industrial Training Institute (ITI) students and trainers complete with the curriculum, video lessons, question bank, mock test and e-learning contents can be accessed through the website It is a mobile friendly application and is also available on Google Play Store as Bharat Skills.

For live Online classes by skilled trainers (ലൈവ് ഓണ്‍ലൈന്‍ ക്ലാസുകള്‍ )

National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) under DGT, MSDE has made exhaustive arrangements for live online classes by skilled trainers which could be connected through

For Mock Tests (മോക് ടെസ്റ്റ്‌ )

The students/trainees can use our facility of mock tests on While it is a good tool for self-evaluation, it will also help students to get accustomed to ‘computer based online exam process.

CISCO Certified Courses

Bharat Skills have some futuristic courses in partnership with CISCO in the areas of Networking, Cyber Security etc accessible at Similarly, a mobile application Quest App is available on Google Play Store with 250+ hours of interactive digital content, online digital content is across 6 thematic areas for 21st century skills available at


The SkillsBuild platform of DGT-IBM includes interalia advance topics of Data Science, Cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence etc., and professional skills like communication skills, etc and can be seen at and

The access to all the above portals and platforms are free. The students may gain digital badge on their skills acquired in certain courses. These tools will help to stay them in touch with their learning and courses without disruptions

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