RRB ALP and Technician Computer Based Test CBT3 Revised Date Published


RRB declared ALP and Technician Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBT3) scheduled on 10-05-2019 in three shifts. The duration of Computer based Aptitude Test is 71 Minutes.
Official Notification of Aptitude Test

The 2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) conducted on 21-01-19, 22-01-19, 23-01-19 and 08-02-19 by Railway Recruitment Boards for the posts of Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) and Technicians against CEN 01/2018 has been evaluated again duly considering the representations received from candidates after the publication of the result on 05-04-19. As RRBs have addressed the representations on questions, answer key etc received from the
candidates post publication of result on 05-04-19, RRB regrets inability to entertain any further correspondence from the candidates on the same.
Revised List of Candidates shortlisted for Computer Based Aptitude Test

For Score card and Mark visit http://rrbalp.digialm.com/EForms/configuredHtml/1907/57281/login.html

The Computer Based Aptitude Test will have a Test Battery comprising of five tests and candidates will have to secure a minimum T-Score of 42 in each test of the test battery to qualify for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot. This is applicable to all candidates and no relaxation is permissible on any ground. There will be no negative marking in Computer Based Aptitude Test. The guidelines and sample Mock link for Computer Based Aptitude Test will be available on the official websites of RRBs and RDSO from 02-05-19 to 10-05-19.

The shortlisted candidates for Computer Based Aptitude Test should produce the Vision Certificate in the prescribed format for A1 Standard as per Annexure – VI of detailed CEN 01/2018, in original during Computer Based Aptitude Test, failing which they will not be permitted to appear in the Aptitude Test. The format of the Vision certificate is attached in this notice.

After the completion of the evaluation of Aptitude Test, the List of candidates shortlisted for Document Verification (DV) for ALP and various posts of Technicians will be Published and DV will start during May/June 2019.

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