AMP sites will start showing anchor ads from April 2022


From April 11th 2022, if you’re using Auto ads for AMP, anchor ads will start to appear on your sites.You may see an increase in your AMP revenue. The change will apply to all sites that have Auto ads for AMP enabled in your AdSense account.
There’s no action required from you for this change to take effect on your sites.

Based on feedback from publishers with AMP sites, Google updated Auto ads for AMP to support anchor ads.

If you’d prefer not to show anchor ads on your AMP site, you can turn this option off using the controls on the “Auto ads for AMP” page.

What is Anchor ads

Anchor ads stick to the edge of the user’s screen and are easily dismissible. These ads mainly serve on mobile but can appear on desktop too. They appear at the top of the user’s screen unless we determine that this would negatively affect the user experience, in which case we show them at the bottom. When shown at the top, anchor ads only appear after the user has scrolled down far enough, so that they never cover your site’s branding or navigation. If you don’t want to show anchor ads you can turn this option off

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