Online Registration for CEN No.01/2019 for Non Technical Popular Categories(NTPC) – Under Graduate and Graduate Posts


Railway Recruitment Board invited  eligible Indian Nationals and other nationals as Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) i.e. Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice and Station Master in various Zonal Railways and Production Units of Indian Railways. Applications complete in all respect should be
submitted ONLINE to the chosen Railway Recruitment Board till 23.59 hrs. of 12.04.2019.

Under Graduate Posts with Minimum Educational Qualification of 12th (+2 Stage) or its equivalent examination and Age between 18 to 30 Years as on 01.07.2019. Total vacancies are  10628

Graduate Posts with Minimum Educational Qualification of a University Degree or its equivalent and Age between 18 to 33 Years as on 01.07.2019. Total vacancies are 24649

RRB Wise Vacancy details 

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For Employment details of CEN 01/2019 visit

Important Dates & Time of CEN 01/2019

Step by Step instruction for Apply Online CEN 01/2019

  1. Open
  2. Click on the “New Registration” link on the home page of the Online Registration portal of CEN 01/2019 for the recruitment of various posts.
  3. Select the RRB to which you wish to apply. Please be aware that, RRB once selected cannot be changed after the preliminary registration is completed and Registration number is allotted.
  4. Registration Details: Enter your name, Date of Birth and Father’s name as per Para 1.7 of General Instructions, Mother’s Name, Aadhaar Number, SSLC/Metric Roll Number, Year of Passing, Mobile Number and e-mail-ID and then submit for registration. Before submitting for registration, ensure and confirm that all the information furnished above are correct, as the details furnished for registration cannot be changed later. Please note that the email ID used for the Registration must be yours and unique. Also note that both the email and Mobile Number will be verified during the Online Application process with a One Time Password (OTP).
  5. Verification of email ID and mobile number through OTP.
  6. On verification of both the email id and mobile number, a unique registration number is generated for the candidate. Candidate should note and preserve their registration number for later reference during the recruitment process and RRB will not entertain any request seeking registration number.
  7. Part 1 of application page, provide the details of Educational Qualification, Community- UR/OBC/SC/ST/EWS, Gender, Religion, Ex SM, PwBD, Minority, Economically Backward Class and Age Relaxation eligibility category as applicable and other details.
  8. In the Part II of application page, fill in details of: Set priority / preferences for posts, Scribe (Applicable to eligible PwBD Candidates only), Detailed Educational Qualification, Choice of Exam Language.
  9. Bank Account Details for Refund:Candidate who attend 1st Stage of CBT are eligible for refund of examination fee as per details in CEN Para 7.0. All candidates who have given the confirmation to receive their refund to the account from which they have made the application fee payment, need not fill these details and hence, this will not be visible for them.
  10. Photograph and Signature Upload: SPECIFICATIONS FOR PHOTOGRAPH:
    It should be a Color Passport Photograph with white/light color background.
    It should be of size 35mmX45mm or 320 x 240 pixels.
    It should be in JPG/JPEG format scanned with 100 DPI resolution.
    The size of the photograph should be between 20-50KB. The color photograph must have been taken on or after 01-01-2019 in a professional studio. Photographs taken using mobile and self-composed portraits may result in rejection of application.
    The photo should have clear front view of the candidate without cap and sunglasses.
    The face should occupy at least 50% of the area of the photograph with a full face view looking at the camera directly.
    The main features of the face must not be covered by hair of the head any cloth or any shadow.
    Forehead, eyes, nose and chin should be clearly visible.
    In case the candidate wears glasses, then the photograph should not have any glare/reflections on glasses and eyes should be clearly visible.
    The photograph must match with the candidate appearance on the days of CBTs/CBAT/TST, DV and Medical.
    PwBD candidates should also upload passport photograph as per above specifications only and not the full body photograph used in the disability certificate.
    Candidates are advised to keep at least 12 (Twelve) copies of the same photograph for further use as and when required during the recruitment process.
  11. SPECIFICATION FOR SIGNATURE IMAGE:  The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black Ink pen within a box of size 50mm x 20mm.
    Signature must be in running letters and NOT IN BLOCK LETTERS.
    The image should be in JPG/JPEG format scanned with 100 DPI resolution.
    Dimensions of 50mm x 20mm or 140 x60 pixels (preferred).
    Size of file should be between 10KB-40KB.

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