Kerala Gramin Bank Balance Enquiry


How to check Kerala Gramin Bank balance by miss call?

For knowing your Kerala Gramin Bank account balance, give a missed call to the Toll free number 9015800400. You will receive an SMS containing balance details of your account instantly.

Mobile Banking: Kerala Gramin Bank – KGB mPay

Kerala Gramin Bank Account holders can download the Kerala Gramin Bank Mobile Apps and UPI apps on their smartphones to check the account balances. Here is the list of all Kerala Gramin Bank Mobile Apps.

KGB mPay


Kerala Gramin Bank Selfie Account opening and mobile passbook application.

DiGi KGB is a selfie account opening and m-passbook application that is offered by Kerala Gramin bank. It is a light weight, robust and highly informative app that enables the user to create savings bank account instantly. It also gives complete real time information about all the accounts of the customer.

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